Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter. Photo: Steve Wrzeszczynski.
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Penn.—The famous oracle rodent Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday after coming out of hibernation, Sunday, Feb. 2. By seeing his shadow, he predicts six more weeks of winter and supposedly will go back to a cozy hibernation.
With this week’s warm front, it’s hard to believe that winter will continue, but most Parkites will take Phil’s word for it an hope for more snow.
Meredith is a midwesterner that came to Park City in 2014 to pursue her dream of becoming a ski-bum. She retired at the top of her field and began her career as a freelance writer. Meredith has written for many local publications as well as start-ups and large corporations covering topics from technology to food and dining.