Reach top talent with TownLift’s Job Board

TownLift's Park City Job Board Photo: TownLift_Park_City_Job_Board
At TownLift, we’re excited to help local businesses like yours thrive in 2025.
If you’re looking to grow your team, now is the perfect time to post your open positions on the TownLift Job Board. With our Jobs of the Week email reaching 9,500+ subscribers, as well as prominent placement on our website and top-ranked social media channels, your job posting will receive unparalleled visibility in the vibrant Park City and Summit County community.
Here’s why businesses love using our Job Board:
- Your listing is shared in a weekly email with a 65% open rate.
- Featured job posts gain even more exposure on our website and social media.
- We make it easy to connect with qualified local talent and beyond!
It’s quick and simple to get started—just click below to post your job and start attracting top talent today:
Featured Job Posting
- Featured placement at the top of job list
- Featured employer post on TownLift Social Media Channels
- 30 Day job listing duration
$200 or save $100 with a 3 pack
Standard Job Posting
- 30 Day job listing duration
- Applicant & job management system
- Included in Jobs of the Week post on TownLift
$125 or save $75 with a 3 pack