Police & Fire

Ask an Officer: Does Park City have a lost and found?

Looking for your lost stuff? Park City's finest are playing Cupid with forgotten phones and wandering wallets. Here's how to get reunited

PARK CITY, Utah — Lost something in Park City? The local police department might be your unexpected matchmaker in reuniting you with your wayward belongings.

Officer Clayton Eves of the Park City Police Department wants everyone to know they’re playing keeper of lost treasures, from misplaced phones to wandering wallets. No magical spells required — just a simple phone call to 435-615-5588 to reclaim your items.

One December, the department even launched a search for the owner of a gold wedding band, when an officer found it on the ground on Main Street, complete with a sentimental engraving.

The service is part of the department’s efforts to keep the mountain resort town’s lost items from becoming permanent mysteries.

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