Park City Day School students raise $300 for local nonprofits through Live PC Give PC

Photo: Park City Day School
PARK CITY, Utah — Students at Park City Day School raised $300 for area nonprofits through this year’s Live PC Give PC event, demonstrating their commitment to community involvement and philanthropy.
The school’s “Strive for $5 Challenge” encouraged students to earn money by completing chores or jobs at home, with tasks determined by their parents. Students then brought their earnings to school and chose to donate to one of five nonprofits: Nuzzles & Co., PC READS, Recycle Utah, Summit Community Gardens/EATS, or the Utah Avalanche Center.
“Strive for Five” embodies both the $5 goal and the school’s values-based curriculum, which integrates respect, responsibility, teamwork, integrity, and compassion. “Strive for Five is at the core of everything we do and is essential to achieving our mission of inspiring our students to lead great and giving lives,” said Brad McCutcheon, head of school.
The challenge began with an all-school assembly where students learned about philanthropy through a short film and a group discussion. The program highlighted different ways to give back, including time, talent, and treasure. Over two weeks, students actively participated in earning and donating their $5, reinforcing the values discussed during the assembly.
“This challenge was a powerful way for us to demonstrate our values and our mission, and a great way to inspire our students to get involved with Live PC Give PC,” McCutcheon said.
Park City Day School, located in Park City, serves students from toddler age through eighth grade. The independent, coeducational school emphasizes a comprehensive educational experience aimed at fostering compassionate, engaged, and responsible global citizens.