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Five teens, one dream: ‘Unhinged’ brings classic rock to Park City

PARK CITY, Utah — Standing on top of a moving trailer rolling down Park City’s Main Street, 5 teens looked around in the surreal moment. They stood there, decked out in Park City mountain bike jerseys ready to play for 3,000 spectators at the 4th of July parade.

Instruments at the ready, they were poised to play the pieces they had honed for months. As their renditions of classics like “Crazy Train,” “Are You Gonna Be My Girl,” “TNT,” “Livin’ on a Prayer,” and “Rock You Like a Hurricane” drifted through the air, their initial nerves subsided. The familiar routine took hold, reminiscent of Sunday practices in the family’s dim basement where they were picking their band’s rotating leader and critiqued each other’s playing. In this unlikely setting, they found themselves transported back to the comforting rhythms of home.

They are Unhinged, a local youth band. The youngest of the 5 band members are the twins, Reidand Drew Kofford. At 13, the twins play an integral part of Unhinged. Reid provides vocals to all their songs and his twin, Drew, keeps the band on beat playing the drums.

It all started four years ago with Drew, who began playing drums with the local rock band at the Utah Conservatory. When COVID hit, the rock band was sidelined. This led the Kofford family to realize they could form their own band. With older son Chase on guitar, Reid singing, and Drew continuing on drums, they began assembling the pieces. This trio, guided by their father Nate Kofford, showed impressive skill. As their songs became more complex and the three grew more invested, they sought additional members.

During the latter half of COVID, the band searched for a bass player. While friends occasionally filled in for practices and events, it wasn’t until Bree moved back to Utah that they secured a steady bassist. At 16, Bree has played bass with Unhinged for the past two years. The final member to join was Hadley, adding another layer of guitar alongside Chase and occasionally playing piano.

The group of five meets every Sunday afternoon in the Kofford’s basement. Before starting, they select a band leader for the practice. This rotating role empowers one member to choose the set lists and guide the group. During practices, they refine each song, addressing any mistakes before performances. Members can also introduce songs they want to learn. The band typically tries the song to see if it fits their style. If so, it’s added to the set lists and perfected over time. Before events, they meet more frequently to master the set lists.

This band of five, all under 16, has performed at various functions across Utah, including Wills Foundations, 350 Main, Beehive, The Hive, and the 2023/24 Fourth of July parade. They’ve also played private events and parties, tailoring their performances to specific song requests.

As the band grows more prominent, questions about their future naturally arise. When asked about the band’s future plans, Chase states, “We really just have to try to have fun now.” While the future remains uncertain, one thing is clear: Unhinged, the youth band, will savor the journey this path has taken them on.

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