
SNAPPED: First snowfall of the 24/25 winter season at Alta

ALTA, Utah — The Sugar Peak webcam at Alta Resort in Little Cottonwood Canyon shows a perfect coating of white snow, marking the first significant snowfall of the 2024-25 winter season on Sept. 17. The East Greeley and Mount Baldy webcams also show a nice dusting of snow at higher elevations.

With Brian Head, Utah’s first resort scheduled to open this year, counting down just 52 days until opening day, the anticipation for the upcoming winter season is already building.

East Greeley

Dusting of snow on top of Park City Mountain Canyons Village Sept 17, 2024
Dusting of snow on top of Park City Mountain Canyons Village Sept 17, 2024 Michele Roepke



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Powder Buoy tipped us off to the potential snowfall late last week calling for a possible dusting to a few inches of snow on Tuesday.

NOAA also added to the anicipation calling for between a dusting and 6″ of snow above 9,000′

Get ready for winter: here are Utah ski resorts’ anticipated opening dates for 2024-25

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