
Friday the 13th: Not superstitious, Just a little ‘stitious’

Whether you're superstitious or not, here are some of the most common beliefs tied to this famously unlucky day

Friday the 13th has long been associated with bad luck and strange superstitions. Whether you’re superstitious or not, here are some of the most common beliefs tied to this famously unlucky day:

Breaking a mirror — It’s said that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. This stems from an ancient belief that mirrors hold a piece of your soul.

Black cats crossing your path — In medieval Europe, black cats were thought to be witches’ familiars, bringing misfortune to anyone they crossed.

Walking under a ladder — This superstition dates back to ancient Egypt, where triangles were considered sacred. Walking under a ladder was seen as disrupting the triangle and bringing bad luck.

Spilling salt — Spilling salt has been considered bad luck for centuries. To counter the misfortune, one must throw a pinch of it over their left shoulder to blind the devil.

The number 13 — Many buildings skip labeling the 13th floor, as the number is considered unlucky. The fear of 13 even has a name: triskaidekaphobia.

Despite these superstitions, most Friday the 13ths pass without incident—so don’t be too afraid if today happens to be one!

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