Solitude ski patrollers on verge of union certification

Photo: Solitude Ski Patrollers Association
NLRB overrules resort’s objections, patrollers eager to begin contract negotiations
SOLITUDE, Utah — The Solitude Ski Patrollers Association celebrated a significant victory today as the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) overruled Solitude Mountain Ski Area’s objections to their recent union election. This decision paves the way for the patrollers to begin contract negotiations aimed at improving wages, benefits, and career progression.
The announcement, made this morning by the Solitude Ski Patrollers Association, marks the culmination of a unionization effort that started in the 2023-24 winter season. “We are excited to announce, we have prevailed! The NLRB has overruled Solitude’s objections to our union election. As a team, we are looking forward to working with the resort to create a contract that will benefit patrollers, our beloved mountain, and our guests. United We Stand,” the association stated in an Instagram post.
Solitude’s ski patrollers were the third group in the region to pursue unionization this past season, following similar efforts at Whitefish Mountain Resort and Eldora Mountain Resort. The movement is driven by concerns over wages, benefits, and career advancement. Robbie Kosinski, a third-year hill captain at Solitude, expressed optimism following the NLRB decision:
“We are excited that the NLRB has found in our favor. We look forward to working with Solitude to bargain a contract that works for and respects the important work of Ski Patrollers. While Solitude has delayed our legal right to a quick and fair union certification, we hope to quickly work towards securing a contract that provides security and certainty to our Ski Patrollers.”
The NLRB’s ruling, delivered on July 23, 2024, concluded that the evidence was insufficient to prove that the leads (aka “hill captains”) were “statutory supervisors,” as argued by Solitude Mountain Ski Area. Consequently, the board recommended overruling the employer’s objections in their entirety, allowing the patrollers’ votes for union representation to stand. With this legal hurdle cleared, Solitude’s ski patrollers are poised to embark on negotiations that could set a precedent for similar efforts across the region.
Kosinski added, “The next step is approval of the report by the NLRB regional director and subsequent union certification. We expect the certification sometime in August after the report is approved.”
Solitude Mountain Resort had no statement at this time.