
Cougars take a swim at Strawberry Reservoir

WASATCH COUNTY, Utah – A pair of tagged cougars, known as F43 and M69, caught the attention of Utah wildlife biologists this spring when their recorded tracking showed they swam from Island Mountain in Strawberry Reservoir and back to the mainland after feasting on porcupines and small birds.

The Division of Wildlife Resources made a video using GPS tracking-collar data. The two cougars make a handful of round trips to Island Mountain and back. Officials said both animals were relocated from the Salt Lake Valley and eventually made their way to Strawberry Reservoir.

In 2021, cougar F43 was the first to cross to the island and likely traveled over the ice (although she did swim back). Both cougars swam across the water on subsequent trips to and from the island.

Cougar M69 made about 10-12 trips to the island in 2022. Biologists visited the island later — to follow up on the cougars’ GPS collar data points — and found they had mainly been eating porcupines and some small birds.

While cougars are primarily known for their agility and strength on land, they are also capable swimmers and will cross rivers and bodies of water when necessary. This ability helps them navigate their large territories and access prey. Most cougars have a range of about 90 miles.

Below is the video made from tracking data collected by the Utah Division of Wildlife. Scroll down further to see a video of a cougar swimming outside of Seattle, Washington.

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