Wildfire smoke expected to impact Utah’s skies in upcoming days

Wildfire forecast. Photo: Fox13
PARK CITY, Utah — The clear blue skies enjoyed across Utah over the last week may become a little smoky over the next few days due to a wildfire in Oregon.
Forecasts show heavy smoke from the Little Yamsay Fire burning near Chemult being pushed into northern Utah by a cold front Monday evening, Fox 13 News reports. Although high pressure is expected to return by midweek, it’s unknown how long the smoke will linger in the area.
A lightning strike started the wildfire fire late last month, growing to over 6,300 acres. Firefighters decided to use the lightning-caused ignition to reintroduce low-impact fire to the ecosystem and control its burn to help prevent future large-scale fires.
Below is a short video posted by the operations team on the fire, explaining the reason to control the naturally-caused burn.