Early bird pricing for Running With Ed ends May 3

Running With Ed, the Park City Education Foundation Community Fun Run is on May 18 this year, however, early-bird pricing for registration ends on May 3. Photo: Michele Roepke // TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — Running With Ed, Park City Education Foundation’s (PCEF) annual community fun run fundraiser is on May 18 this year, however, early-bird registration pricing ends after May 3.

Basin Rec. is where the race ends and where the party starts but all along the way, Park City School District elementary, middle, junior high, and high schools will serve as transfer spots. At those locations, students, teachers, parents, and staff are staged to support and stoke runners, walkers, stroller-pushers, dog joggers, and Olympians.
Raising funds for PCEF is the name of the game as runners young and old, spread out throughout the county including a leg up the stairs of the Utah Olympic Park Nordic Ski Jump.
Costumes are highly encouraged at this award-winning event.
PCEF funds these programs:
Preschool: Raise the odds for success. Lower the cost of preschool.
Elementary Visual Arts (EVA): Keep art in the picture.
Afterschool: Quality after school programs (K-9th) that work for working parents.
Educator and Student Wellness: Wellness is an essential subject.
Real World Learning: Putting STEAM to work.
Bright Futures: A college degree for first-generation students.
Classroom and Express Grants: Power a teacher. Launch a student.
Innovation Lab: Education ideas for the future from those who know best → educator voice in education.
“For me, PCEF is the first to help. We all have a lot of tools that were initially given by PCEF before the school or district budget covered them for a whole department. These tools make the classroom more alive and engaging, and help us give the big picture,” Debra Alcox, a PCHS math teacher, said in a statement.