
Rancho Luna Lobos offers spring dog sled cart rides

PARK CITY, Utah — In between winter kennel tours with visitor rides and summer camps, Rancho Luna Lobos is offering spring cart rides.

Rancho Luna Lobos.
Rancho Luna Lobos Spring Cart Rides. Photo: Fernando Ramirez

A spring cart ride is a unique alternative to a sled ride when there is not enough snow. Passengers get to see amazing pups in action as they take you for a fun dog-powered ride on on wheels on some of the Park City areas most beautiful trails.  The cart can hold three passengers at one time and Rancho Luna Lobos can set up back-to-back rides for larger groups.

“Summit County Animal Control keeps us up to standards, ensuring that our dogs are well kept and happy. We want to not only do well but exceed goals,” said Fernando Ramirez, Ranch Luna Lobos’ owner-operator, on social media after annual spring inspection.

Rancho Luna Lobos entered this winter’s multi-day Yellowstone Dog Sled Race and achieved a top-15 finish.

Perhaps the highlight of the winter for the Ramirez Family, however, was them being highlighted in this video on CBS Mornings.


Weather on a trajectory to become a Jr. Musher, or simply looking for one of the most unique summer camp experiences in the country, registration for Summer Camps is now open.

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