PC READS presents ADHD film and Gin & Phonics event supporting Dyslexia

PC Reads' MIND (Mentoring, Inspiring, and Nurturing Differences) Mentors volunteering at a Gin & Phonics event. Photo: Alissa Aten // PC Reads
PARK CITY, Utah — PC READS (Recognizing, Educating, & Advocating for Dyslexic Students) will host two upcoming events: a free filming of The Disruptors about ADHD on Thursday, March 28, and its spring fundraiser, Gin & Phonics, on May 3.
Literal Soccer Mom Elissa Aten parlayed her law license, with a short stopover as a ski instructor, into founding and running PC Reads as its Executive Director. She told TownLift,
“We are pleased to be collaborating with Park City Film through their Raising Voices Film Series to this film on ADHD. It’s a topic important to us because between 25-40% of students with dyslexia also have ADHD. We hope parents, educators and other community members will come join us for this free screening and post-film panel discussion.”
This film trailer highlights participants Terry Bradshaw, Will. I. Am., Paris Hilton, Howie Mandell, and other household names.
Register for free film tickets here.
Regarding the Gin &Phonics event, Aten said, “Each year, we receive more requests for assistance and reaching our fundraising goals will help PC READS increase our professional development grant program and also continue to provide our meaningful family advocacy services, including dyslexia screenings, at no cost. We are excited to be holding this fun event at Woodward and thankful to the community for their ongoing support. Additionally, awarding a local educator with our Elevating Literacy Award is a special part of the evening.”
The Elevating Literacy Award honors an individual who has made a significant contribution towards improving the lives of students with reading disabilities, including dyslexia. Nominate someone in the community here.