Park City man dies in Montana avalanche

The red dot represents the approximate location of the avalanche that occurred Tuesday March 12, 2024. Photo: Google Maps Image
RAVALLI COUNTY, Mont. — A tragic incident has unfolded as a Park City man, identified by the Ravalli County Sheriff’s office as David Macfarlane, 64, died after being caught in an avalanche northwest of Lost Trail Ski Area.
The office released a statement from Ravalli County Sheriff and Coroner Steve Holton, confirming the fatality linked to the avalanche in southern Ravalli County. The incident was first reported by a group of skiers in the vicinity northwest of the Lost Trail Ski area in Montana. The group, consisting of five Utah residents, was skiing when they were caught in an avalanche early in the afternoon.
Despite the efforts of the group to administer first aid and summon emergency services via a satellite device, the man succumbed to his injuries before help could arrive.
Responding to the emergency were the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Office, Ravalli County Search and Rescue, and Two Bear Air from Flathead County.