PCHS National Honor Society aims to collect 75,000 pounds of food this holiday season

Park City High School. Photo: TownLift
Students will be collecting donations outside of local grocery stores to reach their goal
PARK CITY, Utah — It’s that time of year, the Park City High School National Honor Society is once again asking locals to donate to its annual food drive.
Starting this week, National Honor Society students will collect donations outside of The Market, Smith’s, and Fresh Market every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday-Sunday until Dec. 14.
Students at PCHS are currently competing to secure the most food donations in classes through a “Hunger Games” themed competition.
Last year, the school collected over 56,000 pounds of food for the Christian Center of Park City, and this year students aim to collect over 75,000 pounds of food.
Every school in the Park City School District will also collect donations from students and parents from Dec. 4-14.
“Please send your children to school with donations,” said Noah Canada, PCHS National Honor Society President. “Alternatively, community members can drop off non-perishable food items and hygiene products in front of all elementary schools beginning on December fourth.”