Police & Fire

Ask an Officer: Is there handicap parking on Main Street?

Officer Clayton Eves discusses parking on Main Street for those with valid handicap placards. "Main Street doesn't have designated handicap parking," he said. However, if you have a placard, you can park in any available (legal) spot not designated for emergency vehicles or vehicle throughways or turnarounds.

PARK CITY, Utah — The Park City Police Department (PCPD) has partnered with TownLift to answer questions from the ever-curious Park City community. In this inquisitive and informative series called ‘Ask an Officer,’ the Park City Police Department will answer questions about the law, local rules, and regulations from the community.

Officer Clayton Eves discusses parking on Main Street for those with valid handicap placards. “Main Street doesn’t have designated handicap parking,” he said. However, if you have a placard, you can park in any available (legal) spot not designated for emergency vehicles or vehicle throughways or turnarounds.

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