
SNAPPED: Utah Olympic Legacy updates vertical signs

PARK CITY, Utah — It’s out with the old and in with the new, new signage that is as the vertical signs are being updated inside the Utah Olympic Park, on Olympic Parkway, and at Park City’s Olympic Welcome Plaza at the intersection of Kearns Boulevard and Park Avenue.

UOP sign update
Utah Olympic Park sign gets a facelift, September 12, 2023. UOP. Photo: TownLift
UOP sign update
Utah Olympic Park sign gets a facelift, September 12, 2023. Photo: TownLift
UOP sign update
Utah Olympic Park sign gets a facelift, September 12, 2023. Photo: TownLift

One of the local Olympians who spent the last decades on the sign being replaced was Park City’s own Joe Pack.

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Learn more about the Utah Olympic Legacy in this video.

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