Beat The Call in schools with the Park City Education Foundation

Beat The Call is happening September 18-September 30 as the Park City Education Foundation raises funds for the Park City School District. Photo: courtesy of Park City Education Foundation
PARK CITY, Utah — The Park City Education Foundation (PCEF) has asked for $180 per child as a part of its Beat the Call fundraiser, because it’s just $1 per school day.
Beat the Call will run from September 18-30. Give before September 30 and:
- PCEF won’t call you during its Phone-a-Thon.
- Help your school win money from the UPS Stores Park City.
- Boost students’ chance to win a party for their class for Elementary School, Middle School and Junior High, and, for High School families – donate for a chance to win VIP parking spot and six VIP seats at graduation (eligible for Senior families only).
A minimum $20 donation is required to be eligible for prizes.
Set up monthly donations:
- One child = $15/month = $180 per year
- Two children = $30/month = $360 per year
- Three children = $45/month = $540 per year

Giving $1,000 or more, to Beat the Call welcomes people into Scholar Circle, which is a community of families, businesses, and community members who want to make an immediate and lasting impact on children’s education.
This $1,000 investment – $85/month or $5.55/day – is approximately the cost of a large latte each morning.
Make a life-changing gift and support a PCEF-funded program.
Donations fund initiatives that inspire all Park City students to successfully reach their academic and lifelong potential.
What does “Beat the Call” mean, anyway?
It’s an incentive to give before you get phone call.
When you Give $180, anytime before September 30, they won’t call parents with a request to give during the annual Phone-a-Thon.
People can also help their school win grant money, courtesy of the UPS Stores Park City.
Schools with the highest percentage* of parents giving just about any amount (and meeting or beating last year’s giving percentage) will win:
1st place = $5,000 UPS Stores Park City Grant
2nd place = $3,000 UPS Stores Park City Grant
3rd place = $2,000 UPS Stores Park City Grant
Elementary Schools:
The class with the highest participation in each grade at each school PreK-5 will win a pizza party.
Ecker Hill Middle School:
The top six Advisory Classes with the highest participation in each grade will win a breakfast party.
Treasure Mountain Junior High:
The top six Advisory Classes with the highest participation in each grade will win a breakfast party.
Park City High School:
Besides the opportunity to win the above-mentioned parking spot and graduation tickets, donate minimum $20 donation to be eligible for prizes. Any donation amount counts to Beat the Call.

“If you have already donated this school year, starting July 1, thank you! You Beat the Call – and helped your school earn a UPS Stores Park City grant,” Development Director Jennifer Billow said in a statement.
Donate $180 online as you register and your donation counts toward Beat the Call. You’re off the hook for Phone-a-Thon.
When you give $1,000 or more, you Beat the Call and you’re welcomed into Scholar Circle.
→ Monthly payments for Scholar Circle = $85. That’s $5.55 per day — or approximately the cost of a large latte each morning.
Double Your Donation.
→ With every generous donation, let PCEF know if your employer has a Matching Gifts program.
Students volunteer their time to call families on behalf of PCEF to encourage every PCSD family to support our schools. Donate anytime before now through September 30, and you’re off the hook for the Phone-a-Thon call.
“Thank you for being kind to our volunteer student callers,” added Billow.