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Multiple moose sightings near Park City Main Street

PARK CITY, Utah — Multiple moose sightings near Park City Main Street were reported by TownLift readers over the weekend.

This video of a bull moose behind Lowell Avenue was submitted by TownLift reader Chelsea Grimmé on Sunday, August 27.

This photo was captured by TownLift reader Tom Gadek on Friday, August 25.

According to Gadek, he was turning onto Daly Avenue from Hillside Avenue when he snapped this photo through his car’s windshield.

A driver turning onto Daly Avenue from Hillside Avenue snapped this photo of a moose heads down to Park City Main Street on August 25, 2023. Photo: Courtesy of Tom Gadek

While the Park City area is a natural habitat for moose, people should report a moose that has wandered into lower-elevation areas and is within city limits or heavily-populated areas so that the animal can be relocated.

“If moose aren’t relocated, they can stay in an area for a long time and potentially injure someone or damage property,” said Faith Heaton Jolley, public information officer for the Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife Resources. “Urban environments, which include fences and vehicles, can be unsafe for moose. People should avoid approaching moose or attempting to ‘herd’ them out of yards or roads. Moose can be very aggressive, especially around dogs.”

Male moose like those pictured are nearing the “rut” or breeding season, a time of year during which they can become particularly aggressive.

“Bull moose can be aggressive during the rut,” Jolley said. “The rut for moose typically takes place from September to October, but it’s not as pronounced as with deer and elk, which have a peak time.”

The Utah DWR has provided the following safety tips to prevent conflicts with moose:

  • Always give the moose a lot of space and watch its behavior.
  • Never try to approach or feed a moose.
  • Keep dogs leashed and under control at all times. It is against Utah law to allow dogs to chase or harass protected wildlife, like moose.
  • Stay calm and do not run away. Talk, make your presence known and slowly back away in the direction you came.
  • If a moose charges you or chases you, hide behind something solid (like a tree) or try to get inside a vehicle or building.
  • If a moose knocks you down, curl into a ball, protect your head and lie still until the moose retreats.

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