Help the Park City High School PTSO without ever leaving your couch

PCHS seniors can attend Grad Night. Photo: Michele Roepke // TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — Today is the first day of school for the Park City School District.
Heather Sims, the volunteer president of the Park City High School’s Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO), is keeping tabs on her own student as well as everyone else’s when it comes to raising and managing funds for some beloved extracurricular activities which can often be taken for granted.
Along with her full-time job at another youth-oriented nonprofit in Park City, when she’s not in mom mode, Sims is an integral part of the Park City High School Mountain Bike Team.
She told TownLift, “As students get older there is less and less parental involvement. When they get to high school, we don’t need as many ‘boots on the ground’ however we still need the financial donations for the many programs we provide for teachers and students. It can be as simple as ordering products from our Amazon Wishlist to providing a side dish for the teachers back to school nights.”
“Our largest financial commitment is Grad Night, where the PTSO provides a safe environment for our seniors, to have one last night together before they leave to go on their next adventure,” Sims said. “For parents who can’t afford to help us financially they can always link their Smith’s Grocery Card to our PTSO account and while they are spending money, we get financial benefits. Membership to the PTSO is only $40 and we use it to cover the costs of back to school night, snacks for testing, teacher appreciation, scholarships, grants, and so much more. To consider donating please go to PCHS PTSO Square site.”
List of volunteer activities offered by the PTSO:
- Stress Week is quarterly finals time and the students are provided healthy snacks and drinks to help them perform better.
- The Directory Coordinator and Distribution Committee compile all the information for the directory and distribute it by the end of October.
- The docudrama is an accident simulation organized by volunteers to help encourage safe driving by seniors (usually held in May.
- The Graduation Night Committee raises funds and organizes the senior party for graduation night.
- The Honor Roll Recognition Committee organizes breakfasts, ice cream socials, or gifts for students who have reached the Honor Roll requirements.
- The Mini-Grants Committee solicits grant applications for school-related purposes and allocates funds set aside for this purpose.
- The Newsletter Editor collects articles, edits, and publishes the PCHS monthly newsletter in print and electronic formats.
- Volunteers at large provide volunteers for any school-related activity as needed and are contacted by the Volunteer Coordinator.
- Staff Appreciation organizes creative ways to thank teachers and staff for their efforts.
- The PCEF Liaison attends meetings with the Park City Education Foundation.