A new STOP sign has been placed in the Trailside area. Photo: Michele Roepke // TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — Parents of students who attend Trailside Elementary have a month to get used to new stop signs on their pick-up and drop-off route before the first day of school.
Located at the intersection of Silver Summit Parkway and Highland Drive, most motorists encounter the newly placed signage when merging on or off Highway 40 near Park City’s Home Depot store.
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Previously, two stop signs existed, stopping cars on Highland Drive allowing traffic to flow through Silver Summit Parkway. Now it’s a four-way-stop.
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Contact: mroepke@townlift.com
I've lived in Park City for 30 years but right off the starting line, my journalism professors expressed plaudits after class for writing more so about the small-town sports in the surrounding mountains than the urban updates they assigned. Therefore, I’m on par punning and penning Parkites' pastimes. Turning high and early through my career, I’ve worked communications for The Olympics, the Paralympics and the Special Olympics. Additionally, there's been National Geographic, Patagonia, NCAA, USA Nordic and the United States Library of Congress, so I guess you could say this ain't my first rodeo.
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