
DWR shares tips for proper catch and release fishing in hot temperatures

UTAH—With summer temperatures soaring, understanding the proper handling of fish during catch-and-release fishing becomes crucial to their survival.

Here are some tips from DWR to minimize stress on our finned friends:

  • Pick the right time: Avoid the scorching heat and opt for early mornings or evenings when temperatures are cooler.
  • Find cooler spots: Look for fishing spots with deeper, cooler water, ensuring the survival of the fish you catch. Stay away from stagnant, shallow water.
  • Higher elevation, better fishing: Head to high-elevation waterbodies with cooler temperatures and higher water levels.
  • Handle with care: Minimize handling time for cold water fish species and save the photo shoots for cooler times of the day.
  • Keep an eye on the temperature: Carry a thermometer and call it quits for the day when water surface temperatures reach 70 degrees. If you don’t have a thermometer, observe the fish – if they seem lethargic, it’s probably too hot for fishing.
  • Stand your ground: Use heavier tackle and reel in your fish as quickly as possible.
  • Keep it wet: Wet your hands before handling fish to give them the best chance of survival.
  • Water-bound unhooking: Keep the fish in the water as you remove the hook.

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