Learn to rollerski with The Utah Nordic Alliance

Rollerskis. Photo: Michele Roepke // TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — Have you always wanted to practice your ski skills in the summer, but rollerskiing seems a little intimidating? Join Jen Santoro for an Intro to Rollerskiing class and ease into rollerskiing the fun way with The Utah Nordic Alliance (TUNA).
They’ll spend two hours getting started on roller skis, from some balance and introductory games in the lot, to a bit of skiing out on the loop.
“We will ease into it, don’t worry,” Santoro said in a statement
Santoro is a USSA Level 200 coach with 12 years of rollerskiing under her belt. She was also terrified to ski any of the hills in Sugarhouse Park at one time.
“There’s hope for all,” she said.
Registration is $50, and classes will take place at the duck pond lot at Sugarhouse Park. Once everyone registers, they’ll find a date and time that works for all.
If there is a wide range of ability among class members, TUNA will pull in an extra coach. If you you don’t have your own skates, TUNA has some to borrow.
For more information, contact