Park City Olympian Casey Dawson stays on track with US Speedskating

Development speedskating athletes at the Utah Olympic Oval. Photo: Courtesy of U.S. Speedskating // Facebook
KEARNS, Utah — U.S. Speedskating has announced the 14 long track athletes on the 2023/24 National Training Program, a list which includes Park City native, Park City High School alumni, Park City Speedskating Club member, and Olympian Casey Dawson.
The short track team has also named 14 athletes to its training roster, a list which includes Olympian Maame Biney who has lived, worked and trained in Park City.
Dawson and Biney are a prominant part of Park City Nation promoted by the Youth Sports Alliance.
Among the Olympians on that long track list are Britany Bowe and Erin Jackson.
An ice skating memorabilia display entitled ‘Hometown Heroes’ highlights Dawson’s achievements in the Museum at the Utah Olympic Park, the sister facility to the Olympic Oval. The Oval serves as the Headquarters for Team USA’s U.S. Speedskating.
Also announced by U.S. Speedskating is a Salt Lake City, 13-year-old athlete named Ella Teeples, whose been awarded the shared title of Long Track Development Skater of the Year. She’s additionally now named to the Junior National Speedskating Development Team. One of her coaches is Salt Lake City’s Olympic 2002 gold and silver medalist Utahn Derek Parra, and one of the people she lists as her role models is Dawson.