
Utah DWR to close 24 wildlife management areas through April 30

UTAH — The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources announced today that it will close 24 wildlife management areas throughout northern and central Utah until April 30 in an effort to protect wintering deer and other big game.

There are 194 waterfowl and wildlife management areas throughout Utah, many of which are scheduled to reopen to the public on April 8. Due to the record-breaking snowfall the state has received this winter, many big game animals have struggled to find food and build up their body fat reserves in recent months.

“While most of the deer had good body fat conditions going into winter, we’re seeing variations in fawn and doe survival throughout different parts of the state, depending on the severity of the snowfall and winter conditions,” said Dax Mangus, DWR big game coordinator. “Unfortunately, the deer herds in the northern areas of the state were hit pretty hard this winter, and despite our feeding efforts, we are seeing high mortality rates in some areas. In these types of conditions, big game animals are weakened and highly vulnerable to repeated, ongoing human-caused disturbances, so we’d like to prevent any unnecessary disturbances to the deer during this sensitive time of year.”

In order to help struggling deer and other big game, effective immediately, the following WMAs will be closed to all public access through April 30:

Northern Utah

  • Brigham Face WMA in Box Elder County

  • Coldwater Canyon WMA in Box Elder County

  • Richmond WMA in Cache County

  • Millville-Providence WMA in Cache County

  • Hardware WMA in Cache County

  • Dry Canyon Conservation Easement in Cache County

  • East Canyon WMA in Morgan County

  • Swan Creek WMA in Rich County

  • Woodruff Co-Op WMA in Rich County

  • Kamas WMA in Summit County

  • Henefer-Echo WMA in Summit County

  • Middle Fork WMA in Weber County

Central Utah

  • Wallsburg WMA in Wasatch County

  • Timpanogos WMA in Utah County (however, the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, which cuts through the lower portion of the WMA, will still be open to public access.)

  • Dairy Fork WMA in Utah County

  • Lake Fork WMA in Utah County

  • Birdseye WMA in Utah County

  • Lasson Draw WMA in Utah County

  • Spencer Fork WMA in Utah and Sanpete counties

  • Pine Canyon Conservation Easement in Tooele County

  • Santaquin WMA in Utah and Juab counties

  • Mona Bench WMA in Juab County

  • Big Hollow WMA in Sanpete County

  • Christensen Spring WMA in Sanpete County

There will be increased DWR conservation officer presence at these wildlife management areas to ensure public compliance with the extended closures.

“These properties are public land, but they are not multiple use like many other state- and federally-owned properties,” said Eric Edgley, DWR habitat section chief. “While we would like to provide recreational opportunities on our WMAs in April, we need to protect vulnerable wildlife populations that have been impacted by the severe winter conditions.”

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