
Swaner installs silhouette sculptures to help reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions

PARK CITY, Utah – The Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter recently installed two reflective wildlife silhouette sculptures donated by Save People Save Wildlife on the preserve.

Wildlife crossing collisions have been a significant problem for both humans and wildlife, with the area of SR 224 near McPolin Barn being the hotspot of incidents. The goal of the sculptures is the bring awareness to the issue in an effort to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions.

For more information on efforts in the Summit County and Park City area to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, visit the Save People Save Wildlife website. There are many different projects to participate in, such as adding fencing to areas to close gaps and funnel wildlife to safe areas.

To learn more about wildlife in the area, visit the Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter and attend one of the many upcoming events hosted at Swaner.

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