
Utah snow water equivalent highest in 26 years

UTAH — The United States Department of Agriculture Utah Snow Survey Program tracks the Utah snow-pack and snow water equivalent levels dating back to 1981. As of March 7th the only year with a higher current season snow water equivalent to the 2023 season ( 21 in. ) was 1997 ( 23 in. ). The 2022 season peaked at just 12 in. The 1983, 1984, and 2011 winter seasons had very strong March & April snowfall totals pushing the end of season totals higher with a max peak at 26 (in.)

Current snow water equivalent totals are 163% of median.

The Snow Survey Program provides mountain snowpack data and streamflow forecasts for the western United States. Common applications of Snow Survey products include water supply management, flood control, drought and avalanche prediction, climate modeling, recreation, and conservation planning.

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