
PCSD responds to Federal Office for Civil Rights investigation

PARK CITY, Utah — Park City School District is currently under investigation by the federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) after multiple complaints of racist bullying at Ecker Hill Middle School.

As part of the U.S. Department of Education, the OCR’s purpose is to ensure equal access to education through the enforcement of civil rights in U.S. schools. Notice of the OCR’s investigation into PCSD was served to the district electronically in mid-February.

“Park City School District has been and remains committed to providing a working and learning environment free from harassment, prohibited discrimination, and retaliation,” said a statement issued on behalf of the Park City School District. “When a complaint is filed with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), the review and resolution process will provide the OCR with the information and data they have requested. PCSD will provide whatever assistance we can as the OCR works to complete their review.”

The OCR must complete its investigation within 180 calendar days after filing a complaint. However, that deadline can be extended in certain cases.

In February, Ecker Hill Middle School students underwent anti-bullying training in response to receiving 25 reports of students using highly offensive language or gestures, such as making antisemitic comments or using the “N-word.”

“These comments and gestures are highly offensive and deeply hurtful, causing the victims to feel unsafe in and out of school and worried about future encounters with those peers,” Amy Jenkins, Ecker Hill Middle School principal, said in a letter to parents last month. “The challenge is compounded by the fact that this behavior is pervasive, often based in ignorance, and influenced by sources outside of our direct control, like social media, youtube, and the internet. It has been our experience that parents are unaware of these challenges when they learn of a concern.”

In a previous statement from PCSD, the school district urged the Park City community to join in the fight against offensive speech and actions occurring outside of the classroom.

“As it is recognized the pervasive use of highly offensive language and gestures is not limited to school settings, we call upon our Park City community to join Ecker Hill Middle School and PCSD employees and families as we seek to end offensive and hurtful speech and actions, protect the most targeted populations, and hold ourselves and one another accountable.”

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