Arts & Entertainment
Library Speaker Series: ‘Fuzzy’ Furr to talk about U-2 Dragon Lady spy planes

Parkite Fuzzy Furr will speak at the Park City Library about U-2 Dragon Lady spy planes and his time with the Air Force. Photo: Steve Harvey.
PARK CITY, Utah — Frank “Fuzzy” Furr is set to present at the Park City Library’s Speaker Series, on Tuesday, February 7, from 6-7:30 p.m.
Fuzzy is a USAF Colonel and pilot of U2 spy planes from 1972-1984. He will share historical and present-day information on the U-2 Dragon Lady reconnaissance program. Learn about how this aircraft was used to spy from the sky for critical intelligence collection activity.
Following the presentation will be a question and answer session.
The event is free to the public at 1255 Park Avenue.