
Marriott lobby new home to year-round Christian Center donation box

PARK CITY, Utah — In a seamless, perfectly-paired partnership between Park City for-profits and nonprofits, the Marriott Mountainside hotel has a donation box in its lobby for the Christian Center of Park City (CCPC).

At present, this is the only local location like it. 

Programs Director for CCPC Matt Melville told TownLift, “It’s great to have this as a low-pro, year-round option for people to donate. This is a simple supplement to our more high-profile, seasonal donation boxes for, say, Christmas toys. We’d love to have more hotels engage with and for the community in this way.”

Often, employees of ski hotels utilize the CCPC’s Thrift Store and Food Pantry.

The photo included here illustrates donated items such as an unopened jar of salsa, energy bars, a bag of chips, and a gently used warm sweater which an occupant dropped in as they checked out. The display has been curated to blend right in with the high-end decor design of the hotel’s fit and finish with a miners theme. 

donation box

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