
Congressman Moore elected to the House Committee of Ways and Means

WASHINGTON D.C. – On Wednesday, January 11, the House of Representatives Steering Committee elected Congressman Blake Moore to serve on the influential House Committee on Ways and Means. Congressman Moore, who represents Utah’s 1st Congressional District, is the first Republican from Utah to be elected to the prestigious committee.

The influential Committee on Ways and Means, the most illustrious and senior committee in Congress, is the main committee responsible for tax legislation. It has authority over various subjects, including trade, health care, energy, Medicare, Social Security, poverty, and entitlement programs.

“When I ran for Congress, I promised to be part of reversing our debt culture in Washington,” Moore said.“Many of our nation’s debt drivers come under the Ways and Means Committee’s jurisdiction, and I am eager to get to work on how we can reform Congress’s budgeting process and responsibly steward our federal resources and programs.”

As one of his first acts in office, Moore created the Debt and Deficit Task Force in Utah’s First District to provide a framework of ideas on how the federal government may boost the nation’s economy, save and enhance essential programs, concentrate American spending, and improve Congress’s budgeting procedure.

“Utahns care deeply about our nation’s debt and deficit crises, and I have remained committed to making Washington’s approach to fiscal policy mirror Utah’s sound practices. It is a great honor to make history today as the first Republican member from Utah to serve on the Ways and Means Committee, and I thank the Steering Committee for this amazing opportunity,” Moore said in a press release.

Conservative ideals, according to Moore, can provide the most effective roadmap to lift millions out of poverty, grow our workforce, empower families and local communities, establish a competitive advantage over our rivals, and lead the way in innovation and discovery.

While serving in Congress, Moore prioritized reforming the country’s child welfare system and has introduced and cosponsored several bills to assist children and families manage the adoption and foster care processes, including the Improving Adoption Outcomes & Affordability Act and the Connecting Forever Families Act. On the Ways and Means Committee, he looks forward to crafting more effective policies that give America’s most vulnerable children a better runway to fulfill their ambitions in a broken world.

Additionally, the First District of Utah is home to the country’s second-largest Internal Revenue Service workforce, and Moore has made it his mission to engage in tax supervision and collaborate with First District IRS workers on customer service issues.

Utah has the fastest population growth, job growth, and GDP, and state leaders are working to address the challenges imposed by this rapid growth. The Intermountain West will have an ally from Moore’s involvement on the committee, which will examine issues like housing shortages, jobs, tax problems, inland trade development, faulty pandemic-era measures, and weaknesses in the child welfare system.

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