Santa Claus is comin’ to Jans

Santa is coming to town on December 17 and 18 at Jans Mountain Outfitters, and he's bringing along Mrs. Claus for a pre-holiday visit. Photo: Jans Mountain Outfitters.
PARK CITY, Utah — On December 17 and 18 from 3-5 p.m., Santa and Mrs. Claus are taking time out of their very busy schedules to visit the kiddos of Park City at Jans Mountain Outfitters, 1600 Park Ave.
During both visits, Jans will be accepting food bank donations in return for raffle tickets to win gear (participants do not need to be present during the drawing to win).
The food will go to the Christian Center of Park City. CCPC’s food drive would appreciate donations of:
- Canned tuna and chicken
- Peanut butter
- Gluten-free, shelf-stable items
- Baby wipes
- Hispanic- and Latin-based foods
- Macaroni and cheese
- Individual servings of fruit
- Cooking oil
- Spices
- Canned soup
- Diapers
- Feminine hygiene products
Jans will be decorated for Santa’s visit and has a North Pole-issued mailbox and letter-writing station for those last-minute letters to Kris Kringle. This event is indoors, free, and well-behaved pets on a leash are welcome to visit the Clauses.
There will not be a photographer on staff for this event, but camera phones will do just the trick.
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