Ryan Seacrest donates media studio to Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital

Rendering of the Seacrest Studio. Image: Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital Photo: Untitled design (4)
SALT LAKE CITY — Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital is the newest site selected by the Ryan Seacrest Foundation to receive a Seacrest Studio.
Seacrest Studios are state-of-the-art broadcast media centers that allow children to explore radio, television, and other media forms as they receive treatment. Seacrest announced the location of the new Seacrest Studio today on “LIVE with Kelly and Ryan,” the morning talk show he hosts alongside Kelly Ripa.
“We are thrilled and honored to welcome Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital to the RSF family,” Seacrest said. “Each Seacrest Studio is created to bring exciting and stimulating adventures that spark joy in patients and their families during their treatment. I can’t wait to partner with such an incredible hospital to bring this excitement to Salt Lake City and introduce the community to the wonders of radio, television, and new media.”

The Ryan Seacrest Foundation has opened 11 studios so far at children’s hospitals throughout the U.S. and plans to open more throughout 2023. The studio at Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital will be located in the main lobby and is slated to open next year.
“This Seacrest Studio will create an opportunity for children to feel included and special during their time at the hospital and can become a major part of a child’s healing,” Spencer Hardy, director of family support services at Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital, said in a press release. “Once you find the right thing to bring someone out of their shell, it completely changes how they see the hospital and their treatment.”

Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital already has a closed-circuit TV (CCTV) system that allows patients and caregivers to host segments and participate in call-in programs with other patients throughout the hospital. The new Seacrest Studio will utilize this CCTV system and enhance its capabilities so that more patients can participate in the broadcast experience.
“Providing safe and engaging experiences to patients during their hospital stay is a critical part of their healing, wellbeing, and continued development as kids,” Katy Welkie, chief executive officer of Primary Children’s Hospital and vice president of Intermountain Children’s Health, said in a press release. “We are thrilled to host a new Seacrest Studio at Primary Children’s Hospital to give our patients one more way to express themselves and lift their spirits within our healing environment.”