Friends of the Libraries looking to build membership in support of Summit County branches

Photo: Summit County Library by TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — On October 18 at 6 p.m., Summit County Library will be hosting its informational meeting on the Friends of the Libraries organization. The meeting will be held at the Kimball Junction library on the 18 at 1885 W. Ute Blvd., Park City.
According to Laura Schmidt from Summit County Libraries, “Friends of the Summit County Library, a group dedicated to supporting the Summit County Library branches in the community, is looking to grow its membership. This group focuses on advocacy, fundraising, public relations, and volunteer services for our libraries in Coalville, Kamas, and Kimball Junction.”
Friends of the Libraries meet twice a month and discuss fundraising events, programs, and other ways to support Summit County Library. This meeting is an excellent way for people interested in helping out to learn more about the volunteer opportunities that Friends of the Libraries provides.