Prepare to be scared at Heber City Halloween Fest

Photo: Trick or Treat by Bee Felten-Leidel via Unsplash
HEBER CITY, Utah — Fans of ghouls, ghosts, and goblins in Heber City, have no fear: the Heber City Halloween Fest is being held on October 28 from 4-8 p.m. at the Heber Tabernacle Square. The event is free and open to the entire community.
The yearly event will include trick or treating on Main Street between Timberknives and the Heber City Tabernacle as its primary event. Wasatch County School District will also be hosting a carnival at the Tabernacle. The event will also include “a special appearance by the mad professor (sponsored by Heber Light & Power), a free showing of Coraline at Timpanogos Valley Theater, a costume contest at the Avon Theater, and a performance by Intensity Dance Team, Thriller.”
The fest will conclude with a costume parade and glow stick dance party at the Tabernacle.