
Public meeting for Heber Valley Airport master plan to be held Sept. 22

WASATCH COUNTY, Utah — In a press release from August 31, Heber City announced that they will hold a public meeting about plans to update Heber Valley Airport. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 22, at Heber Valley Elementary.

The release reads that the city is “excited to continue moving forward with the next step in the master plan update process” for the airport. The planning and updating process began several years ago, and was slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting is open to the entire community, and while scheduled to end at 8:30p.m., will continue until “all questions are answered.” It will be attended by Heber City staff and engineers who will summarize different alternatives for updating the airport, each with different benefits and challenges.

According to the release, the meeting will “be an opportunity for community members to learn and provide their input” regarding the different alternatives for the airport. It is one of a series of planned, similar meetings scheduled to occur throughout the updates made to Heber Valley Airport.


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