Miners march past Olympus 21-14 in a stellar season for football

Olympus High School cheerleaders, football player and benched athlete walking back to their Team Bus to drive to Salt Lake City after a defeat by Park City High. Photo: Michele Roepke
PARK CITY, Utah — On Friday night, the Park City Miners beat the Olympus Titans football team 21 – 14 at home. With only two regular-season games to go before the Utah High School Football Playoffs start, the Miners seem to have furthered their cause to represent Park City as their record now stands at 6 and 1 for the season and 3 and 1 in the conference.
Friday was Seniors Night at Dozier Field, as they all wore cowboy hats to the game throughout the stadium. The colorful autumn leaves were visible in the surrounding mountains under clear skies and calm winds and a solid crowd in the stands.
Miner Blake Tabarracci had an impressive performance, one of many this year, on the field for Park City.
Both teams had unsportsmanlike conduct calls against them by the refs, thus, for all intents and purposes, canceling each others’ out.
Like at most home games, Jen Valaika and her husband were there cheering on not only her sons’ team but supporting her place of employment. Valaika has been a teacher at the Park City School District’s Park City Learning Center for 21 years. Valaika said, “What an amazing team this is! It’s always so much fun to watch the kiddos play their hearts out, and we’re all proud of these athletes. The cheer team, however, is fantastic and just as great to watch as the game itself.”
The Miners’ next game will be away against Salt Lake City’s Brighton High School next Friday.