Police & Fire
Sheriff’s Log: Multiple stolen vehicles reported and recovered, 1 misplaced, 1 found with thief sleeping inside

Photo: Summit County Sheriff Department
PARK CITY, Utah — In a case of “Dude where’s my car?” on Thursday, a man reported to Summit County Sheriff’s Office that his car had been stolen where it was parked on Newpark Boulevard. The Sheriff’s office listed the vehicle on the NCIC website as stolen. Later, the complainant called the police to tell them he had walked over to some shops close by and forgot he had left his vehicle where it was originally parked. The vehicle was then removed from the NCIC website and the case is closed as a misplaced vehicle.
On the same day, another vehicle, a camper trailer, was reported stolen from the Walmart parking lot. The camper trailer was recovered by the Sheriff’s deputies later that evening, in the same parking lot. The owner was contacted to claim the vehicle.
On Friday, during a patrol of Kimball Junction, Summit County Sheriff’s deputies discovered a truck parked after hours in the Skull Candy parking lot. After deputies ran registration of the vehicle, it came up as stolen. A man was found sleeping in the back of the vehicle. The 40-year-old man, from Draper, was arrested and booked for possession of a stolen vehicle and previous warrants.