Gardening and conservation at Park City Gardens

Photo: The Park City Gardens. Photo: PC Nursery
PARK CITY, Utah- Communities are always looking for ways to enhance outdoor spaces, while also being wise about water and energy usage. As a business, the Park City Gardens is also focused on the conservation of water and energy resources.
The Park City Gardens has a full-service flower shop, the Flower Barn, which supplies locally farmed flowers all summer. All herbs and vegetables are locally sourced; and in the fall all gourds and pumpkins are bought from local farmers.
As the dry season approaches and water conservation becomes more crucial, Park City Gardens offers some helpful tips and tricks:
- Once a plant is established, meaning there has been significant growth, watering of that plant can be cut down to 2-3 times per week.
- It is better to water plants in the morning or evenings, as it is cooler outside and less evaporation will occur. More water will be able to soak into the soil.
- If possible, install a drip system as water goes directly to that plant very efficiently.
- Break up the soil when planting, as the soil in high mountain environments tend to be mainly clay and can be hard for plants to establish themselves in.
- Mulch is helpful after planting, as mulch holds water better and provides nutrients needed for plants to grow.
Park City Gardens has also established the drought-tolerant awareness society, and created a list of plants that are compatible with the high mountain environment in Park City.
Researched extensively through trial and error by Park City Gardens’ owner Sophy Kohler, a list was put together of her favorite drought-tolerant and cold-hardy plants. Some of these plants (denoted with *) are capable of naturalizing, e.g. once established, they can survive with little or no additional water or attention.
- *Canada Red Cherry
- Amur Maple
- Apple
- Crabapple
- Spruce
- Assorted Pine (Bristlecone, Scotch, Austrian, Pinyon, Mugo, Ponderosa)
- *Sagebrush
- *Serviceberry
- *Chokecherry
- *Peking Cotoneaster
- *Siberian Pea Shrub
- *Golden Currant
- *Snowberry
- *Buffaloberry
- *Apache Plume
- Creeping Oregon Grape
- Thyme
- *Artemisia
- Lamb’s Ear
- Dianthus
- Oriental Poppy
- *Yarrow

- Hollyhock
- *Echinacea
- Daisy, Assorted varieties
- *Centaurea
- Aster
- Iris, Bearded
- *Daylily
- Golden Rod
- Columbine
- Wild Geranium
- Ice Plant
- Penstemon, Assorted varieties
- Lavender
- Coreopsis
- *Sandwort
- *Peony
- Bishop’s Weed
- Sweet Woodruff
- Allium
- Crocus
- Daffodil
- Galanthus
- Muscari
- Narcissus
- Tulips
- Oregano
- Thyme
- Teucrium
- Nepeta
- Tarragon
- Rosemary
- California Poppy
- Flanders Poppy
- Bachelor Button
- Cosmos
- Sunflowers