
Live Like Sam is ready to give like Sam

PARK CITY, Utah — Riding on the coattails of a recent, highly successful fundraising event and week of programming in Park City schools, the Live Like Sam Foundation is continuing its trend of providing opportunities to enhance the lives of Park City youth with two new programs, the first of which is set to launch on November 1.

The Live Like Sam Foundation is ready to open the first of three new grant opportunities, the first one being for 6th-12th graders in Park City. The ‘Give Like Sam Grant’ will provide resources for young, community-minded individuals and groups to plan and carry out meaningful service projects to benefit communities in Summit County.

Students are encouraged to do research to identify unmet needs in our community, brainstorm solutions, and apply for funding to put their plans into action. All ideas are welcome, no matter how big or small.

Sam Jackenthal.
Sam Jackenthal. 

“Sam had a huge heart and was always rooting for the underdog. Our Give Like Sam Grant was my daughter Skylar’s brainchild. Our goal is to influence as many local kids as we can to contribute to others in our community by being of service and giving back to those in need,” Ron Jackenthal, co-founder of Live Like Sam said.

The application period for Give Like Sam Grants will be from Nov. 1-Nov. 30th, 2021 (link here). Grant applicants will be notified on or about Dec. 15 about their proposed projects.

The Give Like Sam Grant was born from the organization’s two-pronged service model that encourages youngsters to ‘live like Sam.’ One of the ways they do this is through evidence-based curriculum complemented by life coaching and peer-to-peer mentorship. The other service provided by LLS is its scholarship and awards programs designed to encourage passion-following and reinforcing stellar character.

In 2022, the organization will launch a new life skills and training program called THRIVE, which will serve more than 300 local youth in 2022. Live Like Sam has partnered with Well-being Elevated to help our local youth learn the tools and experiences they need to develop a deep sense of self, positive and healthy self-identity, purpose, character, and connection to the community, while also learning the value of contributing to the community by giving back and experiencing a life of generosity and gratitude.

The addition of Live Like Sam’s new scholarship opportunity and the THRIVE program could not come at a more opportune time. The state of Utah ranks among the worst in the nation when it comes to mental health. This problem has been well documented and statistics reported by the CDC show that since the COVID crisis began in 2020, youth have been particularly exposed and most affected by the pandemic from a mental health standpoint.

In a recent student health and risk prevention needs assessment survey, 68% of Park City High School students said they experienced moderate to high depressive symptoms and 48% were found to have moderate to high mental health treatment needs.

“I have been part of two national grief programs for parents who have lost kids, the vast majority (over 75%) to suicide or accidental overdose,” says Jackenthal, “and while Sam did not suffer from depression, anxiety, isolation, drug use or suicidality and died as a result of a ski accident in Australia, I truly believe his embracing of self-awareness, courage, kindness, joy, and leadership is what kept him on a healthy path. LLS aims to help as many kids as possible find and own their own healthy path”.

“We have never needed world-class programming based on positive psychology as much as we do right now. Through our programming and scholarships, we hope to eventually provide all local youth with the tools and resources to have self-love and self-compassion. These are two life skills and ways of being that are essential to flourishing in life,” Jackenthal said.

The Live Like Sam Foundation, founded in 2020, is a Park City nonprofit organization that focuses on social-emotional programming and recognition opportunities to enhance the lives of youth in the Park City community. Live Like Sam became its own free-standing 501c3 last year, five years after the tragic passing of Sam Jackenthal. LLS believes Sam’s legacy goes much deeper than his impressive athletic abilities.

Since starting as a donor-advised fund under the Park City Community Foundation in 2015, the organization has awarded over $150,000 in scholarships to youth in the Park City community over the last six years. Over $50,000 of character and spirit awards have also been presented to more than 40 young Parkites. The organization also raised money for COVID relief efforts benefitting the Park City Community Foundation and Christian Center.

Exceeding their fundraising goals this year, thanks to widespread community support of the Live Like Sam Day gala held at the Utah Olympic Park on October 9, the organization is able to launch THRIVE and the Give Like Sam grant.

On top of that goal, it wishes to raise over $75,000 via Live PC Give PC, on November 5, to provide additional scholarships and awards for next year. At least 35% of all program participants will be selected and supported from socio-economically at-risk or underserved BIPOC communities.

We are constantly blown away by the continued community support wanting to see all of our local youth, live like Sam. Sam has become Park City’s kid, and his legacy truly represents the best potential in all of us. — Ron Jackenthal

This week, Live Like Sam sent out postcards to the mailboxes of Park City residents, to educate families and youth about the foundation and Live PC Give PC.

An easily scannable QR code on the card takes you to a website with more information about the foundation.

Live Like Sam Foundation wants to encourage all local youth to step up to live and LIVE LIKE SAM!

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