City Council Candidate: Jeremy Rubell

“As a council member, I hope to provide a new perspective and bring unique skills that will benefit our community.” - City Council candidate Jeremy Rubell. Photo: Jeremy Rubell for City Council 2021
Park City beats an unmistakable pulse. Magnetic natural beauty abounds, arts and culture flourish here, and our enviable access to world-class outdoor recreation constantly inspires. Partnerships between government, business owners, and residents underscore our commitment to a sustainable economy. We’re committed to building the meaningful lives we desire in the mountain community we cherish.
It is my opinion that there is nowhere else like Park City, a view shared by Park City resident Jeremy Rubell. “Park City radiates a culture of kindness, local pride, and unbeatable outdoor recreation year-round,” Jeremy said. “For over 35 years, Park City has been a significant part of my life. It was always my dream to raise our family here, and Gretchen, my wife, and I worked hard to obtain that goal.”
Jeremy has been visiting Park City for most of his life. “I remember riding the original trolley — and how excited I’d get to ring the bell – up and down Main Street. I remember skiing at Park City, riding the gondola, and if I didn’t complain all day, my parents would let me go to the Cookie Bear for a special treat,” Jeremy said. “I do the same with my kids now, except they prefer the Deer Valley cookies — of course! Some of my last memories with my grandfather were in Park City also, walking Main Street on a snowy Thanksgiving while he smoked his Partagas 898 cigar as always. I just remember how magical it was. He was probably the first to say, ‘If you love it here, then move here; you’re smart enough to figure out the rest!’ That’s quite a message for a young kid. It still drives me today and is something I think about every day as I look towards serving this community. Not only did I move here, but I have an opportunity to give back and help shape our future.”
Fueled by his passion for our community, Jeremy, a technology and business consultant, launched a campaign for the city council in May. “As we look forward to the future, we have to ask ourselves how we preserve what makes Park City such an amazing local community while continuing to thrive as a world-class tourism destination,” Jeremy said.
Holding a public office is an act of service to the public — that is, service to all the residents of a city or town, not just those who share your views or those who voted for you. It is a challenge that requires every office holder to rise above the fray, reach beyond comfort zones, and work with others who may have different opinions. Rising to that challenge is what makes democracy work. It’s what makes shaping our shared future possible.
“As a council member, I will provide a new perspective and bring unique skills to benefit our community,” Jeremy said. “The best solutions come when a variety of views are brought to the table, community input is incorporated proactively, and we avoid groupthink. Getting elected as a council member comes with an obligation to look beyond yourself and cultivate the qualities of collaboration, teamwork, and civility.”
Jeremy and Gretchen’s family, who now live in the heart of Park City in the Thaynes Canyon neighborhood, has grown since they first made Park City home. “Charlotte just turned six, and Claire just turned three. They live the Park City lifestyle better than anyone. The joy on their faces from riding bikes, skiing, enjoying concerts, etc. is amazing,” Jeremy said. “What is special is that they are experiencing everything I loved about park city at their age, except now there are even more options for their enjoyment. The quality of life and environment to raise a family here is unbelievably special. We need to ensure our neighborhoods continue to foster such an environment and manage our growth so as not to impact our quality of life.”
Elected officials set the tone for the civic life of their community. Elected officials demonstrate how to differ respectfully, find principled compromises, and focus on the common good. Jeremy’s campaign slogan is “Be kind. Be local. Be Park City.” His platform centers on four pillars: fiscal responsibility, balanced growth, promoting livability, and respecting the outdoors. I recently met with Jeremy and asked him to explain what the four pillars of his campaign mean to him.
Fiscal Responsibility
“We are financially sound as a city, but that doesn’t mean we should not scrutinize spending and ensure we are spending on the right things while also following a public process that promotes proactive community involvement,” Jeremy said.
Balanced Growth
“Major projects are on the horizon, and there are tons of major construction efforts around town,” Jeremy said. “Strategic planning is critical to ensure we are looking down the road and not continuing with project after project of point solutions that may prohibit us from realizing our community vision, such as walkability/non-motorized transit.”
Promoting Livability
“We have to protect our neighborhoods and keep Park City a great place to live for locals,” Jeremy said. “This means managing traffic, transit, housing, safety, welfare, etc. We need to balance growth and tourism with local priorities as a community, not necessarily to cater to one or the other but focusing on synergistic solutions with our partners. We also need to work collaboratively with surrounding counties, the State, and other government agencies.”
Respecting the Outdoors
“Outdoor recreation is a key component of the Park City lifestyle. Recreation is frequently the initial attraction for bringing people here,” Jeremy said. “In everything we do, we need to stay aware of our surroundings and nature. That includes recreation, development, trail preservation, open space, wildlife, fire prevention, water conservation, and more.”
Written by Betsy Lucas of Neighbors of Park City
Paid for by Jeremy Rubell for City Council 2021