Intermountain Healthcare offering free mental health summit on August 19

Mental Health is a big issue and Intermountain Health is offering a free summit to address the issue. Photo: Tim Mossholder
PARK CITY, Utah. — 2020 was a reckoning for many regarding mental health. The isolation and horror of the pandemic left many people scrambling for emotional relief.
Intermountain Healthcare is offering a free Mental Health Services Awareness Summit on August 19, in order to help individuals in need reach the proper resources.
The event will be in-person and online. The in-person event will be at the Utah Valley University Clarke Building on Thursday, August 19, from 3 to 8:30 pm.
There will be speakers, breakout classes, and information booths. To register click here. You can also call 801-357-7766.
Below is the full event schedule:
- 3 to 3:50 p.m. – Opening Keynote: The Stigma of Mental Health (LIVE STREAM) – Christena Huntsman Durham and Mark H. Rapaport, MD
- 4 to 4:50 p.m. –Educational classes session 1 (pick one – classes will repeat)
- How Leaders and Companies Will Succeed In A New Normal: A Panel Discussion/Q&A on Leadership, Mental Health, and Remote Work (LIVE STREAM) – Presented by Blunovus – James Hadlock, LaRae Wright, Dr. Reza Ahmadi and Marshall Paepke
- Everyday Strong: Create a Plan for Your Child’s Back-to-School Anxieties (LIVE STREAM) – Presented by United Way – Dani Rowan
- The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Mental Health: What the LGBTQ+ Community Can Teach Us (LIVE STREAM) – Camlyn Giddons
- 4:50 to 5:30 p.m. – Information booths and refreshments
- 5:30 to 6:20 p.m. – Educational classes session 2 (pick one – repeated from above)
- How Leaders and Companies Will Succeed In A New Normal:A Panel Discussion/Q&A on Leadership, Mental Health, and Remote Work (LIVE STREAM) – Presented by Blunovus – James Hadlock, LaRae Wright, Dr. Reza Ahmadi and Marshall Paepke
- Everyday Strong: Create a Plan for Your Child’s Back-to-School Anxieties (LIVE STREAM) – Presented by United Way – Dani Rowan
- The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Mental Health: What the LGBTQ+ Community Can Teach Us (LIVE STREAM) – Camlyn Giddons
- 6:20 to 7 p.m. – Information booths and refreshments
- 7 to 7:50 p.m. – Closing Keynote: Dr. G. Sheldon Martin – Managing Mental Wellness: Prevention, Intervention, Healing (LIVE STREAM)