Catching the Ugliest Fish in the West

A burbot, also known as bubbot, mariah, freshwater cod, freshwater ling, freshwater cusk, the lawyer, coney-fish, lingcod, and eelpout. Photo: Courtesy of Flaming Gorge Chamber of Commerce and
The Burbot is an invasive species and the event is meant to help keep the numbers of burbot down in the reservoir. It is a freshwater fish like a cod and has a serpentine-like body. They eat a lot when they feed at night. Being nocturnal feeders makes it concerning because most fish in the Flaming Gorge are day-time feeders. Regulating the number of burbots, dramatically helps the populations of natural fish in the reservoir and maintains a positive eco-system in general.
Over $30,000 in cash and prizes are up for grabs in this family-friendly (and COVID-friendly) winter event.