
Utah DWR urges dog owners to keep pets away from big game animals

UTAH — As deep snowfall draws wildlife into lower-elevation areas, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is reminding dog owners to keep their pets away from big game animals.

Recently, deer, elk, and other big game animals have migrated to lower-elevation areas in search of food made scarce by deep snowfall. As a result, the Utah DWR has seen several incidents where big game animals have been chased or even injured by dogs.

Deer and elk rely on body fat built up during the previous summer for survival, particularly during the mid-winter and early spring when they are most vulnerable. According to data from the Utah DWR, the extreme cold and increased snowpack this winter are starting to impact mule deer fawn survival rates, and may negatively impact the ability of the adult deer to survive the winter.

“If they get chased, it uses up energy they may need to survive,” said Dax Mangus, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources big game coordinator. “These animals are already depleted, and they can’t afford to waste energy. If you or a pet force them to move away from where they are trying to feed, it could be harmful and can impact their survival.”

The Utah DWR has seen an increase in conflicts in both rural and urban areas, as dogs that are off leash or not contained within a yard may act on their instincts to chase deer and other big game animals.

Although there are many areas throughout the state where dogs aren’t required to stay on leash while hiking, pet owners should still not allow their dogs to chase wild animals.

“Wildlife is often unpredictable and may injure or kill a dog seen as threatening,” Mangus said.

Injury from big game is not the only danger your dog may face off leash, as Utah law also states that a person may kill or injure a dog that is “attacking, chasing or worrying any species of hoofed protected wildlife.”

Here are some tips from Wild Aware Utah to help keep your dogs safe whether in your yard, or out hiking:

  • Keep your dog’s vaccinations up to date.

  • Be aware that moose can be especially aggressive toward dogs.

  • Always supervise pets when outdoors, particularly at dawn and dusk.

  • Avoid going near den sites and thick vegetation.

  • If you find an animal carcass, leave the area — it could be a kill that a cougar is guarding or will be returning to.

  • Make noise while hiking.

  • Do not allow dogs to “play with” or chase wildlife. It is against Utah law to allow dogs to chase or harass hoofed wildlife, like deer, elk and moose.

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