
Survey finds Bonanza Park needs to prioritize walkability, affordable housing; Final meeting set for April 9

PARK CITY, Utah — The Park City Planning team announced the third and final Community Meeting for the Bonanza Park planning initiative, inviting residents to participate in shaping the area’s future land use and connectivity. The city has already received responses from two online surveys and multiple community outreach events.

The biggest response from residents so far is that the area needs to build up, creating density for more affordable housing, but it’s definitely not a sky’s the limit approach. One respondent stated that the buildings should be able to go to 4 stories, “We need the density and height to meet our varied needs. Mixed-use, residential, retail,” and another response pushing even higher heights, “Density = affordability/sustainability. Building up is necessary for affordability. 5 story with setback.”

Feelings were mutual across the board, however, with respondents opposing a hotel in the area and pushing for more affordable housing. One response stated, “Having worked in the hotel industry here for 10+ years, our workers desperately need affordable housing options within our city limits.”

What is prevalent across the board is the heavy support for the arts, local connection, and green space that’s more accessible for foot traffic. Sidewalks are the number one priority, and bikes are a close second, with one person commenting that the area should have “a human-focused development over vehicles.”

The meeting on April 9 hopes to collect feedback for Phase 3 of the project. This is the final meeting for Phase 2 of the project, and it is an opportunity for community members to voice their perspectives and partake in the collaborative planning effort that will define Bonanza Park’s trajectory. Meeting details are listed below.

When: April 9, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Where: Jim Santy Auditorium, Park City Library

Register: Residents interested in contributing to the future of Bonanza Park are encouraged to register for the meeting here.


The Phase II Online Survey results had 250 responses, and 81% were from individuals who did not attend the second community meeting. These insights have been instrumental in refining the Community Engagement Phase II Results presentation.

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